Thursday, December 29, 2011

Diablo RPM repository

Recently we've deployed OpenStack Diablo release for one of our customers. The target operating system happened to be CentOS 6.0. During deployment testing we've stumbled upon a number of bugs in OpenStack RPMs that we've tried to use.

All existing RPMs of OpenStack that we've found contained problems that prevented components from operating correctly with each other:
1. Incompatible protocol in packaged version of Keystone (already fixed):
2. Json template bug (already fixed):
3. ISCSI target management troubles:

In addition, there was no packaged nova-vnc in CentOS repositories.
So we've fixed these bugs and established our own repository for OpenStack Diablo. Packages added there have been tested in a real-world deployment.

You can easily install the repository on your CentOS system using wget:

$ sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-mirantis.repo

You can browse the repository here: Mirantis OpenStack Diablo